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THE mind of man is a bundle of desires, always in agitation, ever on the run, in pursuit of objects and sensations. When man submits to Its whims, he falls. But he can master it, tame it and forge it as an instrument for achieving even Liberation from bondage to objects and sensations! It is said that-the mind is the cause for both liberation and bondage. When I see a person helplessly enslaved to his mind, I get a picture of a dressed up doll squeaking and speaking through a talking disc attached and operated He acts mechanically; as the strings are pulled by dominant desire; he’ talks as directed by that master; he thinks on lines that desire lays down. Therefore, there is a great deal of artificiality and insincerity. We know that the pictures in a film projected on the screen are each in its true nature, stationary. But, since they are projected fast in a series through a lamp, they appear as if the men and women are walking or fighting. The sound tracks supply the appropriate voices and noises at the appropriate time and so, it appears as if the men and women talk and sing. Though one knows that the pictures are projected on the screen in this manner, but when one sees the film, one is moved into grief or joy, hatred or sympathy.
Joy And Grief Are Modifications Of The Mind
This Universe Stands On The Foundation Of Truth
What is the ‘highest objective’ for man? What is his most precious ideal? The Vedas decalre, Sathyannasthi paro dharmah – There is no rule higher than Truth. This Mansion named Universe stands on the foundation of Truth, Sathya. You are all members of the ‘Sathya’ Sai Seva Organisation; remember that ‘Sathya’ is My Name. It is the first and foremost ideal that has to shape and sustain all the activities of the Organisation, as well as every one of its members. Give Sathya the first place in your thought, word and deed. There was a King called Sathyavratha, in ancient times. He was named so, because Truth was his way of life, his goal and his guide. He derived great joy through the strict adherence to Truth. One day, a few hours before dawn, during Brahma muhuurtha (the time dedicated for meditation on God), he proceeded alone through the Lion Gate of his Fort, in order to have a holy dip in the Sea, for the day was a holy one marked out in the calendar as sacred for such ceremonial baths.