Sri Sathya Sai Baba has nurtured the Organisation since its inception to make it a congenial platform for releasing the purpose and objectives as envisioned – “Elevate Humanity to Divinity” and enable people from all walks of life, belonging to different cultures and faith to realise their inherent Divinity.
Out of thousands of public discourses delivered during His earthly sojourn, many of them have been directly targeted to nurturing the core foundational principles of the organisation and guide its functioning, activities, administration and other related aspects. At times, he has graciously laid down the straight path while at other occasions he has also not restrained himself from lovingly chiding, which of course is Divine way of administering the required pill for the betterment of affairs of the Organisation. These discourses and guidelines form the unswerving and permanent foundation upon which the edifice of the Organisation rests.
An assorted collection of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s discourses containing the ambrosia of the nectarine Divine Guidance to the Organisation at various important occasions is reproduced for the benefit and understanding of all.