The sole object of Sathya Sai Seva Samithis, the very breath on which they thrive, is the consciousness of unity, of all as One.
Sri Sathya Sai
1 October 1968
The organisation functions through its primary units called as Samithis and Bhajan Mandalis of which individuals – from different strata of society, different ethnic groups pursuing different religions and faiths – are members who are bound by the dictum of “Love all, Serve All” and pursue their own sadhana towards self-realisation following the path of selfless service to humanity.
Administration of the Organisation
The administration and functioning of the units of the organisation is governed by the Divine Charter and its administration is guided by the Divine message of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the rules and regulations as may be in force from time to time. The Rules and Regulations of the Organisation are primarily founded on the essence derived from the Divine mandates and instructions that have been given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba through the various discourses and direct instructions.

National Level
- All India President
- National Coordinators for each wing
State Level
- State President
- State Vice Presidents
- State Coordinators for each wing
District Level
- District President
- District Coordinators for each wing
- Samithi Convenor
- Samithi Coordinators for each wing
Bhajan Mandali
- Bhajan Mandali In-charge