Sri Sathya Sai Baba delivered the first-ever public speech on October 25, 1947 in Karur in Tamil Nadu, starting the tradition of instructing through His divine discourses. He delivered thousands of divine discourses over the next 63 years. He went across the length and breadth of India interacting with lakhs, addressing them on all aspects of their life and the importance and rarity of this precious human birth. The pauper and the prince, the student and the sage, the peasant and the politician; all were benefitted by the Divine Message. These Divine Discourses, several thousands of them, have been recorded in 42 volumes of the ‘Sri Sathya Sai Speaks’ series.
Between 1958 and 1984, Baba also wrote 15 Vahinis, immortal classics from the Divine pen, covering various facets vital for a spiritual aspirant. These were originally written as essays for the Sanathana Sarathi Magazine, started in 1958 on the auspicious day of Maha Shivrathri, and were eventually published as Vahinis focusing on specific themes. Over the years, they have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages for the benefit of humanity across continents. In fact, Baba’s contribution to His magazine is a world record – the same person writing a column every month for the same publication continuously for 26 years.