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Prasanthi Nilayam


Discourse Collection
Wealth once lost, can be regained; A lost friend can be retraced; A lost wife can be replaced; A lost land can be recovered; But the time that has gone cannot be recovered. EMBODIMENTS of Love! Young men and women! Future citizens of the world! When one’s wealth is lost, it can be acquited again. If one friend is lost, another can be got. If the wife passes, one can many again. If land is lost, it can be acquited, again. But if time is lost it cannot be got back.
In this vast cosmos and among the myriad species, man is the highest and noblest being. He is sublime. He is full of good traits. If a man loses these attributes of humanness, they cannot be easily regained.
Young men and women! The prosperity and well-being of the world depend on the conduct of the youth. Only when their conduct is good, the world can have an ideal future. The night that has passed Cannot be recalled by any means. The waters of the Yamuna, once they have merged in the ocean, cannot be turned back. A fruit that has been eaten and digested cannot be recovered. Man is spending his days aimlessly without any awareness of what is in store for him in the future. He is not aware of the continuous erosion of his life-span by the passage of time.
Life is like a mega-clock. Its three hands indicate the rate at which the days, months and the year are passing. Man rejoices in the movement of the clock’s hands but does not realise that every movement is a reminder of his diminishing lifespan. Hence, before the final hour strikes, every man should realise what his duties are and see that the remaining time is well spent. What is the toot cause of man’s birth in the world? What are the duties of man? No one seeks to recognise the inherent divinity in man. Young men and women today waste a good deal of their time, without realising, the preciousness of human life.
Transform From The Human To The Divine
There are two qualities in man. One is the animal nature; the other is humanness. Unfortunately man is forgetting his humanness by falling a prey to the six enemies – lust, anger, greed, envy and others – and misusing his God-given talents. He thereby degrades himself to the level of the’ animal. On the other hand, man should use his mind, status, and talents to become virtuous, pursue the path of righteousness and strive to raise himself from the human to the Divine. All things in the world should be used properly, and not misused. A knife can be used for cutting vegetables or another’s throat. How a knife is used depends on the man using it. His mental state should be in proper condition. A man’s conduct is related to his thoughts and feelings. The heart is inherently pure. But one’s thoughts can pollute it or keep it pure. One can make or mar his destiny by his thoughts and actions. Today everywhere the world is haunted by suffering, tin-rest, disorder and agitations. Any country filled with noble beings is bound to be peaceful and happy. What is the mason for the sad plight of a country? It is the absence of men and women of high character. To protect a country it is not so important to have arms and missiles and atom bombs. It is most essential to have men and women of great virtue. The World’s prosperity or otherwise is based upon the character of the youth – men and women. Hence, young men and women should be pure hearted and render selfless service to the country. They should keep the company of the good and godly. Losing Papabheethi (fear of sin) and not cultivating Dhaiva preethi (the love of God), men today have lost the essential quality of humanness. This has resulted in the loss of peace in the world.
Show Your Gratitude By Serving The Society
Love Of God Is Selfless And Everlasting
"Hands In The Society, Head In The Forest"
Goodness Is More Vital Than Greatness
Transformation of the heart is what is called for. All that you do should lead you nearer to God. When you act in this way nothing bad will touch you.
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba