Role of teachers, parents and Governments

Baba inaugurated a National Conference of Bal Vikas Gurus in Sai Ramesh Hall on 3rd July 1994, at Brindavan. His Presence at the Conference and His Discourse were a great inspiration to the Gurus.
Silver Jubilee Conference of the Sri Sathya Sai Bal VikasJuly 17 – 21, 1994
Baba inaugurated a three-day Conference at Brindavan on 17th July 1994, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas. He arrived at Sai Ramesh Hall in a procession accompanied by Sri Arjun Singh, Union Minister, and Sri Khurshed Alam Khan, Governor of Karnataka, at 8.20 am. The All India President of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Sri G. V. Sathyanarayana, welcomed the gathering. Smt. Sarla Shah described the progress of the Bal Vikas Movement since its inception in 1969.
Baba released the Silver Jubilee Souvenir issue of the Bal Vikas Magazine. Sri Khurshed Khan and Sri Arjun Singh addressed the gathering. Baba then blessed the congregation with His Inaugural Address. On 21st July afternoon, Baba arrived at Sai Ramesh Hall accompanied by Sri Veerappa Moily, Chief Minister of Karnataka, and Sri Mallikarjun, Minister of State for Defence. Major General Mahadevan, Smt. Gita Ghosh, and the Chief Minister addressed the delegates. Thereafter, Baba delivered His Valedictory Address. He declared that the Bal Vikas Gurus who had come to participate in the conference were the guests of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. Hence any money collected from them should be refunded.
The Second International Cardiac Symposium was held in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute Auditorium at Prasanthi Nilayam from 21st to 23rd January, 1994. Many leading surgeons from U.S.A., U.K., France, Spain, Israel, Italy, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and India presented papers of very high standard. Baba lit the sacred lamp and Dr. A. N. Safaya, Director of the Institute, delivered the welcome address. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, President of India, inaugurated the symposium and gave his inaugural address.
After Baba’s Discourse, Dr. Subramaniam, surgeon from Florida, gave a talk. Baba presented him with a silver memento. The Symposium concluded on 23rd, with Baba’s Valedictory Discourse. He visited the dining room and personally spoke with all the delegates, both on the inaugural day as well as the concluding day.