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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 32 (1999)
One who practices and propagates ideals such as goodness, morality, and truth
Is a youth in the strict sense of the term. In fact, only such people are
your best friends and My best friends too.
[Poem in Telugu]
In this world, if money is lost,
one need not be worried about it, for one can earn it again.
If a friend is lost, one can have another.
If wife is lost, one may get married again.
If one loses one’s piece of land, one can purchase another.
All these can be acquired again.
But the body once lost is lost forever.
[Sanskrit sloka]
Faith In God Is Very Essential For Man
Service Will Lean You To Devotion
The Words Seva And Prema Possess Infinite Power
Neither by penance nor by undertaking
pilgrimages nor by going through sacred texts
nor by Japa can one cross the ocean of Samsara.
Only through service of the noble can one redeem oneself.
[Sanskrit verse]
No One Has The Right To Judge Others
Undertake Service With Love
Develop Love And Uphold Truth
Cultivate Noble Thoughts
Help Ever, Hurt Never
Santhi (peace) is full of spiritual feeling and wisdom that is the natural accompaniment of bliss. Genuine santhi is won only by control of the senses. Then, it can be call prasanthi. The experience of that stage is as a stream of peace.
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba