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These four words – Atha, Atho, Brahma and Jijnasa – deserve careful study, for they contain the very essence of the four Vedas and their teachings, meant to help the Jijnasa (study) of Brahman, the Atma (Divine Self) principle in its Universal aspect.
- Discrimination between the temporary and the permanent;
- Detachment: awareness that the objective world is of no lasting worth;
- Self control: of both the outer senses and the inner urges;
- Longing for liberation from delusion and the desires that delusion breeds.
- Listening to good and virtuous matters
- Using the senses for the beneficent purpose for which they are gifted by God;
- Reflection: on what is heard, seen, tasted, etc;
- Practising what is found beneficient.
An Incident Revealed For The First Time
Aura Can Be Discerned Around Human Body
Atheists Will Be Transformed Into Theists
Gather Good And Offer Good
In this iron age, when darkness is enveloping the mind of man, any little lamp that can light the steps is most welcome. That is why I advise you to resort to sath-karma, sad-achara and sathpravarthana (good deeds, good conduct and good attitudes and outlook), so that you may be established in the constant presence of the Lord.
You must also strive to “hear” (shravana) elevating words, to ruminate (manana) on these promptings of the spirit and then, when the validity is recognised, to meditate (nididhyasana) on it, in pro found reverence. All other activity is secondary; this alone is edifying, this alone is beneficial.
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba