Educare Is Human Values

The International Conference on ‘Strengthening Values in Education’ was organised at Prasanthi Nilayam by the Institute of Sathya Sai Education Thailand between 25th and 29th September, 2000. Baba lit the lamps in Sai Kulwant Hall and inaugurated the Conference on 25th at 3.30 pm. The Institute students and the students of Sathya Sai Schools of Zambia, Thailand and Nepal recited Vedic prayers. Dr. Art Ong Jumsai, Director, Institute of Sathya Sai Education, Thailand, welcomed the delegates. Dr. Michael Goldstein President, Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Foundation, gave a brief speech.
Baba then delivered His Inaugural Message. He blessed the delegates with two special Discourses on 26th and 30th in Sai Kulwant Hall. On 26th evening, in the Divine Presence in Poornachandra Auditorium, a unique cultural orchestra group named “Symphony of Unity and Love (SOUL),” gave a presentation. The singers from Singapore, Malaysia, Latin America, France, and U.S.A. presented a music concert on 28th evening in the Divine Presence. The Valedictory Function of the Conference was held in Sai Kulwant Hall, on 29th, at 7.20 am. Dr. Jumsai expressed gratitude to Baba for His Blessings and Guidance. After that, Ms. Himela Bahadur Singh from Canada, Mr. Tom Scoville from U.S.A. and Dr. Roger Packham from Australia, presented the summary of the deliberation of the Conference. Dr. A. Parasuramen of Mauritius read out the Prasanthi Nilayam Declaration. Baba then delivered His Valedictory Address and clarified the questions asked by some of the delegates.
The Second World Youth Conference was held at Prasanthi Nilayam between 18th and 21st November, 1999. 7,000 youth from India and 63 overseas countries participated. Baba lit the lamps amidst Vedic chants in Sai Kulwant Hall and inaugurated the conference at 3.00 pm, on 18th afternoon. Sri V. Srinivasan welcomed the delegates and explained the theme of the conference “The Role of Youth in the Divine Mission”. Mr. Billy Fong from Malaysia spoke about the service activities done by the youth in Malaysia. Baba materialised a gold chain for him. Sri Vijay Menon from Kerala and Ms. Pooja Sharma from Himachal Pradesh gave short speeches. Baba then delivered His Inaugural Address. On 20th evening, the overseas delegates presented a cultural programme in Poornachandra Auditorium titled “The Millennium Challenge”. In this presentation, 221 youth from 63 countries participated. Baba showered His love on the cast after the performance.
On 21st afternoon, Baba granted Darshan in Sai Kulwant Hall at 2.45 pm. The Valedictory function of the conference and the celebration of Education in Human Values Day were held that afternoon. The programme commenced with Vedic chants. Sri Indulal Shah spoke about the importance of human values. Sri J. Jagadeesan presented the recommendation of the overseas devotees to Baba. Sri V. Srinivasan placed the recommendations of the Indian delegates. Dr. Jumsai presented a report to Baba about the working of EHV and establishment of Sathya Sai Schools all over the world. Baba then awarded the diplomas to the teachers who had completed their training courses in value education. Sri S. V. Giri, Vice Chancellor, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, addressed the delegates. Baba then delivered His Valedictory Message for more than 100 minutes.