Born to Serve

A National Conference of All India Active Workers of Sai Organisation was held at Prasanthi Nilayam between the 19th and the 21st of November, 1987. 12,000 active workers from all states of India participated in this Conference. Baba inaugurated the Conference in Poornachandra Auditorium on 19th November and gave His Inaugural Address. On 21st November He blessed the delegates with His Valedictory Message.
Baba inaugurated in Poornachandra Auditorium on 17th November 1985, the Fourth World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations. Baba arrived at the Auditorium in a procession led by a Veda chanting group. He lit the lamp and the proceedings commenced. Over 13,000 delegates representing 46 countries participated in this conference. Sri N. Kasturi welcomed the delegates. Sri Indulal Shah, Chairman, World Council, gave the review of the work done by the Organisation worldwide in the past 20 years. Sri V. Srinivasan, Vice Chairman of the World Council, also addressed the delegates before Baba’s Inaugural Address.
A reception for Baba was organised in Hill View Stadium on 19th November by the delegates. The devotees associated with Baba for two or three decades offered their felicitations on this occasion. They were, Sri R. V. P. Rayaningar, Sri G. K. Damodar Rao, Smt. Kamala Sarathi, Sri M. M. Pinge, Mr. Wee Lin from Singapore, Miss Anima Mukherjee, Sister Chiyuka Tusiyuma from Japan, Sri Sanjeev Chowdhury, Mr. Robert Bozzani from America, and Mr. Jagadeesan from Malaysia. The World Council honoured with mementos five octogenarian devotees who had served Baba in various capacities. Sri N. Kasturi, Sri N. S. Krishnappa, Dr. B. Sitarama, Smt. T. Krishnamma, and Smt. Konamma, were the blessed devotees to receive the mementos from Baba personally on this occasion.
Baba arrived in the Hill View Stadium on 20th morning, in a procession led by the Institute students chanting Vedic hymns. He blessed the gathering with His Darshan and performed the ceremony of ‘Go-danam’ (gifting of cows). He gifted away 60 cows along with calves and a bucket for milking the cow to the 60 chosen recipients from 60 villages.
The Valedictory Session of the Conference was held in the Hill View Stadium on 21st morning. Baba in His Address mentioned 10 directives to be followed and practised by the members of the Organisation and other devotees.