Baba inaugurated the Sixth All India Conference of Office Bearers of the Sathya Sai Organisations at Rajahmundry in January 1974. Over 6,000 delegates from all over India attended the conference. In addition, 750 Bal Vikas Gurus participated in the All India Conference of Bal Vikas Gurus held in the Divine Presence. Swami Karunyananda took all the necessary efforts to organise these conferences under Baba’s direct supervision. Baba’s Discourses helped integrate the office bearers into an effective instrument in His mission. Baba blessed the Bal Vikas Movement describing it as the basic activity of the Sai Movement and the Gurus as its most useful pioneers. Baba’s presence during all the three days of the conference motivated the delegates who had come from distant places like Calcutta, Bihar and Patna.
An emphatic call was given to the workers of the organisation to intensify their Sadhana through devotion, discipline and duty and to be exemplary to others. It was also decided that Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithis shall hereunto be unregistered bodies.
Baba inaugurated the 2nd All India Sri Sathya Sai Seva Dal Conference on 9th morning. Sri Nakul Sen, Lieutenant Governor of Goa, presided over the conference. Prof. Gokak offered at the Lotus Feet his new book – ‘Narahari, Prophet of New India’ on this occasion. Baba then delivered His Inaugural Address. He addressed the delegates on 10th morning also. At the evening session, Baba elaborated on the final resolutions arrived at during the conference which He approved of.
The Fifth All India Conference of Office Bearers of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation was held in Abbotsbury, Madras, on the 22nd and 23rd of December, 1971. Baba hoisted the Prasanthi Flag at 9.00 am on the 22nd to inaugurate the Conference and delivered His Inaugural Address. In His Discourse to the delegates on 23rd morning, Baba spelt out the guidelines for utilising the Sai Organisation as an instrument for individual liberation and social upliftment. He then spent some time with the delegates from each State. Prof. V. K. Gokak, Sri P. K. Sawant and Sri Indulal Shah spoke during the evening session. In His Concluding Address, Baba stressed the need for forbearance and tolerance. The Bal Vikas children of Tamil Nadu presented a few cultural programmes in the Divine Presence. He blessed the delegates at 8.00 am on the 24th morning with a photograph with Himself.
At this Conference, services in the fields of Health and Education were introduced. The name of Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vihar changed to Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas, and the term for “Bal Vikas Teacher” was changed to “Bal Vikas Guru”. Baba emphasised that various units/wings of the Organisation e.g. Bhajan Mandali, Study Circle, Seva Dal, Mahila Vibhag and Bal Vikas have to work under the auspices of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi and not independently.