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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 30 (1997)
The Inner Meaning Of Truth: Life Sustaining Energy
You may think that relating exactly what you saw is Truth. It is not so. Suppose you see a person taking the role of king in a drama. You see him on the stage with the royal robe and crown, etc. But when you see him off the stage after the drama is all over, he may be in his usual dress. Which is true? Is it his role on the stage or is it his role outside? If you analyse this, it becomes obvious that what is subject to change may be termed as fact but not Truth. Truth remains true at all points of time.
In Sath-e-yam, sath mean s life; ‘e’ stands for food; yam stands for Sun. Food is essential for every individual. Sunhelps production of crops which constitute our food to sustain our life. Smt. and light never change. Sathyam stands for life-sustaining energy. If you read the word Sathya, Sa-tha-ya, on the reverse it is ya-tha-sa. “ya” de notes outer and inner discipline as part of Thapas or “tha.” When you do much Thapas, you acquire divinity or “Sa” Thapas is triple purity, that is purity in thought, word and deed. we are not able to know our own potentialities. Divinity is in the Microcosm and in the Macrocosm. Everything is a combination of atoms. You are not able to realise the divinity within, in spite of all your education and scholarship. Whatever you study is only about the physical world and the gross matter. If you want real lasting happiness you can get it only by union with God. God is all-pervasive. Why should you search for God while he is within you? Body is like a water bubble and mind is a mad monkey. Don’t follow them. You should follow only your conscience – -which is Sathya – the principle of Truth. If you have an unpolluted heart and engage in unblemished action, you will experience the manifestation of God. We say often we have no Shanthi (peace). Why? because you are multiplying your desires. One who is bereft of desires is peaceful. You must breed only good thoughts and progress forward transcending all thoughts and reaching a state of ending the mind which is but a conglomeration of thoughts. Desire is like the luggage during a journey. If you have less luggage, travel will be more comfortable. So also in life’s journey you should restrict your desires which burden you. You should lead a life of morality and character. The Upanishath says: “Sathyam Bruyath” (speak Truth). This is the physical aspect of the directive. “Priyam Bruyath.” This is the Dharmik or virtuous aspect which means you should speak Truth in a nice and palatable way. Next is “Na Bruyath Sathyam apriyam.” This is the spiritual aspect. You should avoid speaking even truth when it is not pleasing the person. At the same time, simply because it satisfies the other person, don’t speak untruth. It is written on the board “Truth is God.” This is not enough. You should have this imprinted in your heart. Truth is changeless and eternal. This conviction is not traceable among persons in the modern world. You should join good company which will help you to entertain sacred thoughts to be translated into action.
Time Is God; So Is Food; Do Not Waste Them
Young men and women! You are all wasting time which is divine. God is described as Kalakalaya namah. He is the master of Time. The four days that you have spent here are just a minute fraction of time. The same individual passes through stages when he is termed as boy, adult, old man, etc, due to the passage of time. Time is God. Therefore you should not waste time. Excessive talk is waste of time. When you switch on the Radio and listen to all unnecessary programmes the current is wasted. The body is like a Radio Receiver. Chanting the name and singing the glory of God are useful. But while you indulge in unnecessary gossip, the energy is wasted. In doing wicked deeds also, you waste energy, thereby facing dangerous consequences too. By adhering to the twin ideals of Sathya and Dharma (Truth and Righteousness) you can sanctify your life and avoid wastage of the precious energy that you are endowed with. Instead of preaching the ideals – which is unnecessary as they are already there – you should put them into practice. Propagation is ‘quantity’ while practising is ‘quality’. Quality is always important. A spoon of cow’s milk is much better than a barrel of donkey’s milk. Youth should turn their minds away from distractions and concentrate on practising human values. I always advise people to avoid waste of time, energy, food and money. Young people should take up a job or profession and start earning money. They should know how to use it properly. Food is God. Time is God. So you should take care-not to waste them.