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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 27 (1994)
Bharath Is Like A Multi-Petalled Rose
No country in the world has so many races, creeds and languages as the sacred land of Bharath. Bharath shines forth as a multi-racial garden with its many races and creeds and languages and cultures. The different creeds and cultures are like so many flowers in a garden. The varied manners and cultures contribute to the many faceted brilliance of the nation. The magnificence of this diversity is beyond description. Bharath is like a multi-petalled lotus. Bharath is the home of people who cherished Love as the way of the Spirit and Truth as the breath of their life. Unfortunately, lost in the pursuit of worldly, physical and material objects, the people have forgotten their basic divinity as human beings. It is in this context that the educational system has to be examined. Teachers have to consider the fundamental features of this system. From early times, the ancient system of education developed a broad outlook and promoted virtues and morals which served to foster noble ideals in society. What are the changes we witness today in the educational set-up? Who is responsible in this sacred land of Bharath for moulding the young children of today into ideal citizens of tomorrow? It is only when this question is properly examined that we will find the right solution for our problems, Is the responsibility that of the parents? Or is it that of the teachers who enrich the intellects of the students? Or that of the national leaders who profess to strive for the progress of the nation? Or is it that of the administrators who are in charge of educational institutions? Or is it that of the writers who are producing the literature for the students and the public? The question may be asked whether all of them are discharging their respective duties properly Let them examine their hearts and furnish the answer. Only then we shall find the solutions to our educational problems.
Who Is Responsible For The Indiscipline?
Among students discipline has almost totally declined. What is the means to restore this discipline on right lines? Is any one trying to find out the cause of indiscipline or the means to remedy the situation? Without seeking to find out who is responsible for this indiscipline, it is wrong to blame the students. They are not to blame. The truth is: The students are not being taught the greatness of the culture and ideals of Bharath through suitable books and writings. Are we teaching to our students the exemplary lives of those who struggled for freedom and gave even their lives for the sake of the country? Are we imparting to our students inspiration from the lives of great leaders like Bala Gangadhara Thilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandhra Pal and Nethaji Subhash Bose who asserted the nation’s right to freedom? Are we teaching to out students the message of great men who proclaimed the supremacy of morality and character?
Students Should Be Taught To Develop Good Qualities
All Are To Blame And Not One Single Agency
There Is Only One Religion, The Religion Of Love
Differences of caste and creed should be eradicated from the minds of students. They should feel the sense of human unity, with faith in God. All religions teach essentially the same troths. Hence no religion should be despised. Because of the Government’s policies, a wrong attitude has been developed towards religion. The concept of a Secular State is bandied about. Secularism really means that you should have equal respect for all religions and beliefs. No one can be asked to renounce his faith in the name of secularism. There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity. There is only one religion, the religion of Love. There is only one language, the language of the Heart. Imagine how our students would be able to serve the nation in the future if these basic truths were taught to them. Hence, at the outset, teachers should set the example. Parents should exemplify ideals. The Government should be exemplary in its actions. It is because teachers, parents and rulers have failed to set the right example that today our educational system is in shambles. Teachers should combine practice with precept, like the physical instructor who demonstrates the exercises the students should perform. In the hermitages of the ancient preceptors, this was how the Gurus taught their disciples.
The Six Qualities That Emanate From The Mind
Unity Of Head, Food And God Is Vital For All
Listen to all such things as will draw you towards the principle of Godhead; then, think it over in silence, make it over in silence, make it part of your consciousness. This process of Manana makes you a man; that is the test of man – Mananahood!
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba