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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 8 (1968)
One Divine Principle Circulates Through All Lands
Tracks Leading To One Summit Are Many
Mohammad, who sought to establish the primacy of the One Formless Absolute had a large share of persecution, defamation, and privation. Jesus who attempted to rebuild mankind on the basis of Love was crucified by little men who feared that their tiny towers of hate and greed will be toppled by his teaching. Harischandhra who had resolved never to waver from truth was subjected to ordeal after ordeal, each more terrifying than the previous one. Those who seek to know God must steel themselves to bear insult, injury and torture, with a smile. The search is for the same treasure; the summit is One, the tracks leading to it are many; the guides are also many; they clamour and compete among themselves. Seven blind men examined the elephant and imagined that it was what each one was able to touch; each one interpreted his touch – they could not get a complete and correct picture of the animal. Hindhuism is the stomach of the elephant, supplying strength and stamina to all other faiths; but one has to admit that the stomach is not all! The limbs are the other faiths. Even those who assert that they did not find any trace of God in outer space, or who aver that God is dead, or that even if He is alive, He is no longer necessary for man, that He is a handicap and nuisance – all these have to admit that there is something inexplicable, something inscrutable, beyond the reach of reason and science, some unknown which pervades the world and affects the course of things!