Doing the done

The Third All India Conference of the Office Bearers of the Units of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation was held between the 20th and 22nd November, 1969 at Prasanthi Nilayam. The State and the District Presidents presented themselves before Baba on 18th November. At 10.00 am on the 20th of November, Baba inaugurated the Conference and delivered His Inaugural Address. Sri N. Kasturi welcomed the delegates. Sri Indulal Shah outlined the programme of the Conference. Baba met the delegates from different states on the 21st morning and addressed them in the evening. The recommendations of the subcommittees were presented by Sri Indulal Shah on 22nd morning and Baba gave a Discourse. Baba delivered His Valedictory Address in the evening. Later, the Chinmaya Cultural troupe from Madras performed in the Divine Presence. A key decision to form Mahila Vibhag and Bal Vihar was taken during this Conference.