Truth of Truth

The Fourth All India Conference of the Office-Bearers of the various units of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of India was held at Prasanthi Nilayam between the 20th and the 22nd of November, 1970. Baba delivered His Divine Message at the Valedictory Session held on the 22nd. He showered His blessings on the devotees gathered in thousands at the Lotus Feet on 23rd November 1970, to celebrate His 45th Birthday.
Baba declared that selfless service was the first stepping stone to spiritual progress and if service was carried out with love and tolerance, there would be peace and prosperity in the world and such an act would be naturally dear to HIM. Basic Guidelines to active Workers were formulated.
The 1st All India Conference of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Dal was held at the Prayer Hall on 3rd October morning with Sri Nakul Sen, Lt. Governor of Goa, as the Chairman. Sri N. Kasturi and Sri Indulal Shah addressed the gathering. Sri Sen then delivered his presidential address. In the Valedictory meeting of the conference, Baba gave His Divine Message to the delegates.