The holiest task

On 20th and 21st November, the Fourth All India Bal Vikas Conference was held at Prasanthi Nilayam. On 20th morning, Baba addressed 2,000 Bal Vikas Gurus in Poornachandra Auditorium. On 21st morning, Baba gave His Valedictory Message. On 20th and 21st many cultural programmes were presented in the Divine Presence by the Bal Vikas students from Ooty, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Kerala, and Karnataka. Baba witnessed a Bal Vikas rally at Prasanthi Nilayam on 22nd morning. The alumni of Sri Sathya Sai College (Boys) celebrated the first Annual Day of Kingdom of Sathya Sai (alumni association of Sri Sathya Sai College) in the Divine Presence that evening.
Baba installed marble idols of Shiva and Nandi at the site of the birthplace of the Avatar in the village of Puttaparthi on 23rd morning. He also visited the Samadhi of the parents. Baba proceeded in a procession from the Prasanthi Mandir to the auditorium where the Members of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust offered floral garlands to Baba. Baba then blessed the devotees with His Birthday Message.
Baba inaugurated the 4th All India Seva Dal Conference at Poornachandra Auditorium at 4.30 pm on 20th November. Members of the Central and State Trusts, State Presidents of the Organisation from all the states, a batch of Seva Dal from Malaysia and 300 visitors from other countries were present during the Conference. Baba delivered His Inaugural Address. The State Seva Dal Conveners then presented the service activity reports of their respective states.
Baba was present in the Poornachandra Auditorium on 21st evening during the general session of the conference. He delivered His Valedictory Discourse at Poornachandra Auditorium on 22nd during the concluding session of the Seva Dal conference.
The Eighth All India Conference of the Office Bearers of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations was held at Prasanthi Nilayam between 20th and 22nd November. Baba lit the lamp and inaugurated the Conference on 20th morning. Baba in His Inaugural Address, stressed on the need for character as the basic expression of devotion, and faith as the basic need for service. Sri Indulal Shah, Dr. S. Bhagavantam, Prof. V. K. Gokak, Sri A. K. Dutt, Justice K. Balakrishna Eradi, Dr. K. M. Mistry, and Smt. Shanta Nair addressed the delegates.
At the Valedictory function held in Poornachandra Auditorium on 22nd November, Sri Indulal Shah presented the recommendations of the Conference blessed by Baba. Prof. V. K Gokak addressed the delegates. Baba blessed the delegates with His Valedictory Message. The renowned singers Smt. Radha and Smt. Jayalakshmi gave a recital on this occasion.
In this conference, greater and sole importance was given to individual Sadhana. It was stated that every worker and his family members should carry out their personal Sadhana with utmost devotion and steadfastness. Only then could they realise the all pervasive nature of divinity and the inner significance of bhajans. The delegates were urged to carry out service activities so as to reflect spirituality in all aspects.