The Third All India Conference of the Office Bearers of the Units of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation was held between the 20th and 22nd November, 1969 at Prasanthi Nilayam. The State and the District Presidents presented themselves before Baba on 18th November. At 10.00 am on the 20th of November, Baba inaugurated the Conference and delivered His Inaugural Address. Sri N. Kasturi welcomed the delegates. Sri Indulal Shah outlined the programme of the Conference. Baba met the delegates from different states on the 21st morning and addressed them in the evening. The recommendations of the subcommittees were presented by Sri Indulal Shah on 22nd morning and Baba gave a Discourse. Baba delivered His Valedictory Address in the evening. Later, the Chinmaya Cultural troupe from Madras performed in the Divine Presence. A key decision to form Mahila Vibhag and Bal Vihar was taken during this Conference.
The first World Conference and Second All India of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations was held at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Campus in Bombay from 16th to 19th of May, 1968. Sri Morarji Desai, Deputy Prime Minister of India, inaugurated the Conference at 9.00 am on 16th morning. After the invocatory recitation by Sri Kameswara Ganapathy, Sri P. K. Sawant welcomed the delegates, and Sri Indulal Shah gave an outline of the programme. Baba then called upon some delegates to summarise the activities of the Organisations in their respective states. Justice V. Balakrishan Eradi from Kerala, R. P. V. Rayaningar from Madras, Dr. Choodasma from Jamnagar, Mrs. Khasalkar from Bihar, Sri D. P. Sukla from Uttar Pradesh, Sri Somdat Khera from West Bengal, Sri G. Ramarao from Orissa, Sri Murthy from Madhya Pradesh, and Dr. S. Bhagavantam from Delhi summarised the activities in their respective states. Charles Penn from Los Angeles, Howard Murphet from Australia, Dr. C. G. Patel from East Africa, Dr. Nallainathan from Ceylon, and Ms. Indra Devi from Mexico shared their experiences with the delegates. Baba then nominated a few members to head various Committees. A public meeting in connection with the Conference was held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Campus at 6.00 pm. Baba thrilled the audience with His Discourse in Sanskrit.
On the 17th, Prof. V. K. Gokak and Dr. Nagappa Alwa, the former Health Minister of Mysore State, addressed the delegates. Sri P. K. Sawant and Mrs. Osborne addressed the delegates prior to Baba’s Discourse. He then delivered His Message. Baba met the delegates on the 18th and interacted with them. On the 18th morning Sri Indulal Shah, Sri Rayaningar and Dr. S. Bhagavantam addressed the delegates and Baba then delivered His Discourse. Sri Nanubhai Sastry of Navsari offered a Sanskrit epic on Baba’s life at the Lotus Feet. Sri Indulal Shah, Sri P. K. Sawant, Prof. V.K. Gokak and Sri Bharde addressed the delegates during the Benedictory Function held on the 19th. Thereafter, Baba blessed the delegates with His Valedictory Message.
At this Conference, the need and necessity of the proper and effective conduct of bhajans, Nagar Sankeertans and Study Circles in developing peoples’ faith in God and increasing their devotion was underscored and the necessity of Seva Dal was recognised.