Love more and more people;
Love them more intensely
Service is the highest spiritual practice image image That is the highest spiritual practice. Transform love into service, transform service into worship. - Sri Sathya Sai
Serve man until you see God in all men image - Sri Sathya Sai Love is the Path Love is the Source Love is the Goal Unless knowledge is transformed into wisdom,
and wisdom is expressed in character; education is a wasteful process.
Education is for life, not for a living - Sri Sathya Sai image
Honor all religions. Each is a pathway to God. image - Sri Sathya Sai There is only one caste,
the caste of Humanity.
There is only one language,
the language of the Heart
There is only one religion, the religion of Love There is only God, He is omnipresent

Love All, Serve All
Help Ever, Hurt Never

- Sri Sathya Sai

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations

The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, founded by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the 1960s, is a service organisation with a spiritual core and base to benefit all mankind irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sect. The Organisation serves as a platform for its members to undertake service and other activities as their sadhana (spiritual discipline) which is motivated by an urge for self-transformation to realise one’s inherent divinity.




Samithis & Bhajan Mandalis



Our Charter

Our Objectives

Our Path

The Substratum

The Charter of the Organisation

The Divine Charter, as it is commonly called, forms the very fundamental essence and the basis for the existence and functioning of the organisation. Its universal spirit suffused by unsullied and supreme Love engulfs within itself the entire Humanity without any discrimination based on caste, colour, creed or any other criteria whatsoever, with only one vision and one mission – to enable man to realise his innate Divinity which is quintessentially his core nature and origin!

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How do we function

The three wings of the Organisation

“First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second is “Balvikas” which is connected to education. The third one is service. The three wings of the organisation are sufficient for happy functioning.”
-Sri Sathya Sai
Spiritual Wing

Spiritual Wing

The growth of the tree is dependent on the roots inside the ground. The spiritual wing undertakes activities to develop the urge to connect with one’s inner core; helps to nurture the inner self and awakening the inherent divinity.
Education Wing

Education Wing

True education lies in cultivation of the heart – the seat of all human values. The Education wing promotes development of Human Values in children through the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Program besides other activities like symposiums, seminars and value-based parenting programmes.
Service Wing

Service Wing

Spirituality is the motivational force behind service and service is the fulfilment of spirituality. The Service wing undertakes activities to serve the needy with an approach that every opportunity to serve is the gift from God for one’s own transformation, and that ‘Service to Man is Service to God’.
Spiritual knowledge must be skilled into wisdom and should be put into practice in the form of service to humanity.

quotable quotes

Read through the selected excerpts from various discourses delivered by Sri Sathya Sai Baba assorted by varied subjects and themes conveying profound messages.

Why to participate

Not merely to serve others or for other’s sake, but to reform and transform your own self by engaging in various activities of the Organisation.

Find your nearerst Samithi

Locate your nearest Samithi or Bhajan Mandali and get in touch to explore activities that interest you. Grab the opportunity to serve the indwelling God in every being.

Stories of Transformation

“God will not ask you, when and where did you do service? He will ask, “With what motive did you do it? What was the intention that prompted you?” You may weigh the service and boast of its quantity; but, God seeks quality, the quality of the heart, the purity of the mind, the holiness of the motive.”

– Sri Sathya Sai

Prashanthi Nilayam

The coveted hamlet chosen as his birthplace and abode.
A village that would not even witness a bullock cart plying in the early 1920s, today stands as one of the foremost spiritual centres in the world, where all religions converge into one religion – the religion of Love. As the name suggests, it is the abode of ‘Prashanthi’ – Supreme Peace.

Sai Kulwant Hall

The place where Love walked on two feet in the beautiful form of Sri Sathya Sai Baba to grant darshan and that currently houses His Divine Sannidhi (sanctum).

Places of Interest

Witness the models of excellence created by Sri Sathya Sai for serving humanity besides other places related to his physical sojourn on earth.

Daily Schedule

Suffused with spiritual activities like nagarsankirtan, devotional singing, meditation, etc. spread over the day, the daily schedule of the ashram provides a spiritually enriched routine to experience bliss.

Ashram Facilities

Besides basic facilities of accommodation and food the ashram provides a host of facilities for visitors to ensure a spiritually enriching experience.
What`s New

Activities from different corners

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